Workplace Culture (…from home?)

Are you a freelancer like I am? What workplace culture do you have? Can you? Deciding to go it alone is a tough decision. But if  you’re like me, you’re:

Before I even touch those points (why it’s so hard)  let’s look on the flip side of things, shall we? 
So, we’ve  hopefully already established we’re the same. Next, let’s confer our ‘whys’.


A study conducted by Forbes and Global Workplace Analytics talked about telecommuting in 2017, it showed that telecommuting by employees had grown by 115% in 10 years. Imagine how much it’s grown now its 2019.


But working from home doesn’t mean work/life balance, in fact, most freelancers have problems not letting work seep into private life. Unlike in traditional corporate jobs where many staff can ‘switch’ off when they clock off, when you’re a freelancer or a solo small business owner, you’re committed to thinking of work 24/7. But the payoff is a big one, you get to keep 100% of profits rather than the watered down salaries of many agency workers AND You can work from wherever you are.

Workplace Culture at home

As a viral LinkedIn post by Brigette Hyacinth says: “People do not quit companies, they quit toxic work cultures!” But how does this apply to the freelancer? Do you quit your solo endeavour?

Whether you’re a writer like me; a graphic artist; a marketing guru; or some other highly qualified soloist who is ready to share your services directly, there are several ways you can have a culture of your own and improve your own workplace culture.



So, I’ve sort of dodged the reasons of why it’s hard working on your own. Which even left unsaid, I feel I’d be stating the obvious. So, I won’t elaborate on how hard it can be. But rather leave you with some Freelancer advice: It all comes down to relationships. Even if you’re a freelancer, it always makes cents (see what I did there?) and not even that maybe even big dollars. You need to nurture relationships whether they be with fellow freelancers; agencies or clients. Don’t know something? ASK! And if you read the strategies I previously mentioned, you’ll see a common theme, to improve your own at-home culture it’s important to get out there and talk to like-minded people; really immerse yourself in a culture and surround yourself with people that encourage creativity and productivity.