Blog Writer in Sydney

With the power of words and hardcore research, we make your content sound great!

Looking for a local blog writer?

Chances are you already know what is blogging is and know why it’s important.

The next question is whether you have enough time to write and come up with new topics regularly.

Thankfully, we’re in the same area! Put those freelance blog writers out the picture and get local SEO-targeted content.

Why is blogging so important?

Regular blogs have a great impact on your site. But don’t take our word for it, check out some stats from heavyweights in the digital marketing world:


of marketers say they do not consider blogging to be overrated as a marketing tactic.


of marketers say blogging is their top content marketing priority.


of users ignore paid ads and only focus on organic results.
(Search Engine Journal)

Before we start…

There are a few things you need before we start working together to put a strategy and marketing calendar of topics we’ll write and publish. You need to at least:

  • Know your business inside and out! Know your type of customer and have a clear business vision.
  • Have an actual website (not a Facebook page or similar).
  • Provide any existing marketing material about your company, products/services.
  • Have a few ideas of want to share and/or show to new client or customer.
  • Have access Google Analytics data (desirable!)

The Process of Blogging

We work with clients to make sure they understand the following process and why it is important:

  • Learn and/or build your business’s voice
  • Brainstorming topics and researching
  • Scheduling a monthly calendar
  • Drafting and writing
  • Publishing and distribution

Blogging with your business’s voice

With the information you’ve provided, we’ll get familiar with your existing marketing material and the history of your company. While we aim to provide blogs with as much or as little collaboration with you. Initially, we’re learning your business’s voice and what we should focus on in your blogs.

Content Ideas and Research

In association with any information you can provide us, plus we research the general topic at hand, research your competitors and trends for the general industry you are in. Let us do what we do best and that’s writing!

Scheduling a Monthly Calendar

We’ll put together a monthly calendar of topics so that we both know what topics we have in the pipeline and when we can expect to write and publish them.

Drafting and Writing

Australian Copyeditor – ensures language is current and in trend for the Australian market. Oversees each blog and also provides quality assurance. Blog packages include 2 revisions.

We provide high quality, professional stock, royalty-free image choices per blog. You will receive these at the same time as the sign-off.

Publishing and Distribution

We can share your blogs – see our content promotion service.

The Result

Whether we send you the draft or you would like us to publish the blogs, we’re with you every step of the way. Once they’re up each week we can then track the blogs to see how each is performing and can identify what information your potential customers are looking for and when.

What is the ROI of blogging?

Blogging cannot solve a poor conversion funnel. If you start blogging but your site does a poor job of converting, that’s not the blog’s fault. There’s something wrong with the conversion of your site. Blogging in and of itself cannot create a spike in traffic without ample promotion and SEO. We recommend adhering to basic blogging SEO techniques when publishing your posts. We also recommend sharing your posts across different social channels and finding link-building opportunities with strategic partners, publishers or customers. Be patient. Traffic doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a concerted effort to see an increase in your traffic. We recommend at least 3-6 months before determining whether blogging is a sound investment for your business.

How much does blogging cost?

Here are some plans we can offer. We are open to hearing your proposal for custom packages. Feel free to contact us.

Individual Blog


If you want a one-time blog article.

Monthly Blogging


If you want regular blogs per month.

What is included with blogging?

All blogs come with:

  • SEO optimised content
  • Niche research
  • 2 revisions
  • Published in your CMS

Monthly blogging also includes:

  • 1 written article per week
  • Social media (not manage but content creator) for Facebook (join groups and post blogs everywhere)
  • SEO data audits and analytic

Meet your copywriter

Camille Butler-Storms


With over 10 years copywriting experience, I’ll work with you to make your content great!

Some nice words about this service…

Camille’s strength in collaboration is admirable and she is also great at taking initiative and working independently, delivering nothing but the highest calibre content.

Mat Lewis

Executive/Creative Director of Margin Media

I had no idea what subjects to write about, Camille came up with ideas for blog posts every fortnight, she wrote them all and attached photos from my website.

Alison Gleadhill


Using Camille was helpful in terms of ensuring it got produced on a regular basis and was not stop-start in its output.

Geoff Curran

Curran + Associates Pty Ltd

Work with us

It all starts with a website audit…

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